The Names of God which we have so far considered all belong to the Old Covenant, under which ” that which may be known of God” was taught ” here a little and there a little,” to suit the state in which men were, not knowing God as He has since revealed Himself in Christ, and by His Spirit. The perfect name is declared to us by Jesus Christ, our Lord, even “the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; ” in which is united and summed up all that was taught of old in the names revealed to patriarchs and prophets under the Old Covenant. Here, as much as in the patriarchal lives, or in the shadows of the law, Augustine’s well-known words hold good, that “the New Testament lies hid in the Old, while the Old is opened in the New.” The “name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,” only opens in its fulness what was taught in part, and under a veil, in the names “Elohim,” “Jehovah,” “El Shaddai,” and “Adonai.” This New Testament name comes to us from the 1 Isa. xxviii. 10. 2
Included in this Names of God app:
1. God or Elohim
2. Lord or Jehovah
3. God Almighty or El Shaddai
4. Most High God or El Elyon
5. Lord or Adonai
6. Everlasting God or El Olam
7. Lord of Hosts or Jehovah Sabaoth
8. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
9. Partakers of The Divine Nature
-Prayer Resources
-Recommended Reads
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